20. Jun 2024
Part-time leadership With discipline, trust and good communication for team success

Katharina Felber has been leading the “NADIN Development 2” team at Porsche Informatik since November 2023. The way she fulfills this role is remarkable in more ways than one.

Katharina studied communications at the University of Salzburg. She joined Porsche Holding Salzburg in 2015. She worked there for more than seven years in the digital business department of GroupIT – first as a project manager, then as a team leader responsible for the strategic management of the new car platforms. As a new mother and just back from maternity leave, she took over as part-time team leader of NADIN Development 2 in early November.

NADIN (New Vehicle Administration and Information Network) is a Volkswagen standard solution for importers and was the first product we developed together with Volkswagen Wolfsburg. The system currently includes the order module, the product catalog and the quota module, as well as the finance and logistics modules developed by Porsche Informatik.


Katharina, you lead a development team but have no development experience yourself. How did your team react?

Absolutely positive! My team gave me the opportunity to prove myself. As a manager who does not have in-depth knowledge of the subject matter, I bring fresh perspectives and an unbiased approach. I ask fundamental questions that critically examine existing processes and encourage innovation.

Katharina has practiced rhythmic gymnastics at championship level since early childhood

How do you see yourself as a leader?

I want to inspire my team, act as a coach at eye level and create space for personal development. As a communication scientist, open communication, transparency, appreciation and bilateral feedback are particularly important to me.

You were a competitive athlete for many years. Does that help you in your role as a manager?

Yes, very much. Discipline, perseverance and self-organization come naturally to me. And I know how important teamwork and motivation are to achieve common goals.

How do you work with Volkswagen IT?

Thanks to many years of cooperation with VW IT, Porsche Informatik has established itself as a close sparring partner at eye level. Our relationship is not so much that of customer and supplier, but rather that of a team working together as partners: together we are driving NADIN forward.

Katharina finds her balance in yoga

What has been your experience as a part-time manager?

Positive across the board. It requires efficient time and task planning and clear priorities. But it also gives me a good work-life balance. Transparent communication and trust in the team are crucial, as is the support of my family.

My little son goes to the company kindergarten at Porsche Holding, which works very well. The proximity allows me to combine work and family life and gives me the reassuring feeling that my son is in good hands in a familiar environment.

How do you balance your work? How do you relax?

I practice yoga and work as a yoga teacher. Yoga helps me to relax and recharge my batteries, which has a positive effect on my performance and well-being.

Barbara Klein

is responsible for communications and social media at Porsche Informatik. Even after two decades with the company, she enjoys learning something new every day.