Porsche Informatik donates a total of 7,500.00 Euro
An office furniture flea market raised 7,500.00 Euro; 3,750.00 Euro went to the Kinderkrebshilfe Salzburg and the Raphael Hospiz Salzburg respectively.
An office furniture flea market raised 7,500.00 Euro; 3,750.00 Euro went to the Kinderkrebshilfe Salzburg and the Raphael Hospiz Salzburg respectively.
From 6 to 8 Mach 2015 Volkswagen AG is holding a hackathon codeFEST8, at eight universities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. For one weekend, teams of students will develop ideas, experiment and program on the basis of a theme suggested by Volkswagen Group IT. At each location, two regional winners voted will be selected; these 16 teams quality for the final presentation at CeBIT 2015.
In mid December, Porsche Bank and Porsche Informatik deployed the fourth and final stage of the new CarFin bank system, thereby successfully completing one of Porsche Informatik’s largest development projects to date.
At the beginning of September, Porsche Informatik’s new sales solution, the CROSS NG SALESworkplace, had its productive launch: pilot operation of the system began in the Junbaojie Volkswagen dealership in Beijing, where it supports sales staff, from customer acquisition to sales contract conclusion.
Since 2013, the Porsche Holding has been represented in by the Porsche Chile SpA importer with the following brands: VW cars, VW commercial vehicles, Audi, Skoda, VW Bus & Trucks and MAN in Chile. The Porsche Inter Auto retail organisation has 4 dealership sites and 5 new vehicles sales points in Chile. The full dealership network of all brands in Chile comprises 66 sites across the whole country.