23. Aug

Taking the planning process into the future

An award-winning SAP development project

Setting up a project in collaboration with the client and the motivating experience of how well the collaboration went were the deciding factors for why our SAP development team submitted its “New Planning Project/Business Warehouse to SAP HANA” project for this year’s Change Award. And the effort was worth it – in March the team of Andreas Gstöttner, Helmut Schwarz, Karin Sampl and Günther Höllbacher were awarded with the prestigious accolade in the “Culture” category.

2. Aug

Jill of all trades

Our specialist for international project coordination and IT support

Barbara Buber is the person responsible for all the new tasks no one else is yet responsible for. Wherever there are issues that cannot be clearly defined or classified into a specific department, she’s the one who springs into action. Whenever things get difficult, Barbara can be relied upon to sure-footedly step up to the plate, even in the international arena. In this interview, she talks to Michaela Alker about her career with us and what her position of responsibility involves.


18. Jul

Diversity is our strength

Tapping our full potential with the help of diversity management

Eveline Breitwieser-Wunderl has been at Porsche since 2001. She started as Marketing Manager at Porsche Bank and moved to the HR department in 2012. After taking maternity leave following the birth of her twins, she returned to Porsche Bank in 2016 as a member of the Training division. In November 2018 she took up her current role as the member of staff responsible for “innovative working environments and diversity management” at Porsche Holding Salzburg (PHS). In this interview, she talks about her work, which currently involves the issues of “new work” and “diversity management” with a focus on the advancement of women.


11. Jul

Continuous Delivery

How a new form of cooperation makes the impossible possible

What can you do if given less time than you really need to deal with a task – but no additional resources? Our technical architect, Gerold Glaser, was presented precisely with this problem. In order to solve it, he wasted no time at all in restructuring the development process. His method, based on automation and very close cooperation with the customer, is so successful that it has since become our new standard. He explains here in an interview with Michaela Alker how exactly this came to pass and what challenges await application developers in the future.


28. Jun

Using social code analysis on CROSS 2

Valuable outcomes from bachelor’s project

As part of his bachelor’s project on test automation, Dominik Vereno worked on many millions of lines of code. The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences student, who started out at Porsche Informatik with a part-time position in customer support, has now made the transition to software developer. He explains what his bachelor’s project involved, and why IT sometimes feels like climbing a mountain … More

19. Jun

Open Space and Open Minds

How we boosted productivity, creativity and collaboration with activity-based working

A specially developed Open Space office layout for the new building into which Porsche Informatik moved last year is designed to make further improvements to the workplace environment of our developers. What are the principles behind the Open Space approach, what has it been like for employees working in the new building over the past year, and what are the implications, including for our new location in Vienna? More

30. Apr

Jump in, fasten your seatbelt and get going!

Get your career on the road at Porsche Informatik

Stefan Oberndorfer is an intern at Porsche Informatik – for the third time now. This time he is working in the CROSS 2 Service department. A year ago, he completed his senior high school project with us, alongside his triplet brothers, Thomas and Michael. This autumn he will start a degree course at university – and maybe one day he will return to Porsche Informatik yet again. In a recent interview with Lisa Oppacher he explained what he enjoys so much about working here and what plans he has for the future.

5. Apr

Manfred Immitzer is “2019 CIO of the Year”

Our Managing Director and CDO has been named IT Manager of the Year

Manfred Immitzer, our Managing Director and CDO, was awarded the 2019 CIO Award on 3 April at the CIO Summit in Vienna organized by confare, securing the title of Austria’s best IT Manager.